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Table 2 Definitions of the three-dimensional skeletal measurements of maxilla

From: Comparison of three-dimensional maxillary growth across spheno-occipital synchondrosis maturation stages




Maxillary length

ANS-PNS (mm)

Distance between the projection of PNS and ANS points onto the sagittal plane

Maxillary width

J-J (mm)

Distance between the right and the left Jugale points (J) along the transverse axis

Maxillary height

J-FHP (mm)

The perpendicular distance from Jugale points (J) to the FH plane

Maxillary antero-posterior inclination

(PP/FHP) °

The angle between of palatal plane (PP) and Frankfort plane (FHP) antero-posteriorly onto the sagittal plane

Maxillary medio-lateral inclination

(J-J /FHP) °

The angle between J-J line and Frankfort plane (FHP) medio-lateraly onto coronal plane