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Table 2 Participants’ knowledge about donating dental biospecimens

From: Assessment of willingness of Saudi public to participate in a dental biorepository for research purposes


True* n (%)

False** n (%)

I don’t know n (%)

I have heard about the term Dental biobank or Dental biorepositories

55 (13.72%)

107 (26.68%)

239 (59.60%)

Biospecimens are samples and/or biomolecules with annotated clinical, socioeconomic and lifestyle data

133 (33.17%)

20 (4.99%)

248 (61.85%)

Biobanks collects and stores biospecimens for research purposes

190 (47.38%)

13 (3.24%)

198 (49.38%)

Donating biospecimens requires signing a consent form

243 (60.60%)

19 (4.74%)

139 (34.66%)

Biospecimen data will be kept confidential and anonymous

126 (31.42%)

72 (17.96%)

203 (50.62%)

There is a standard operating procedure for biobanks to collect, process, store and release biospecimens

177 (44.14%)

13 (3.24%)

211 (52.62%)

Collecting stem cells is not an invasive procedure

74 (18.45%)

49 (12.22%)

278 (69.33%)

Stem cells could be collected from teeth and oral biospecimens

117 (29.18%)

32 (7.98%)

252 (62.84%)

Biospecimens from dental tissues can be used to treat many diseases

107 (26.68%)

34 (8.48%)

260 (64.84%)

  1. *Correctly answered by the participant
  2. **Incorrectly answered by the participant