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Table 3 Comparison between groups in mean percentage change in Caspase-3 expression and lymphocytic count in studied groups before and after treatment

From: Evaluation of muco-adhesive tacrolimus patch on caspase-3 induced apoptosis in oral lichen planus: a randomized clinical trial

Mean percentage change [mean (SD)]

Group I

Group II

Group III


Caspase-3 (connective tissue)

 − 25.5014a (18.23)

 − 29.9224a (27.36)

 − 118.3261b (104.92)


Caspase-3 (epithelium)

59.2923a (19.63)

58.7310a (16.76)

 − 64.2289b (33.11)


Lymphocyte count

64.5492a (7.42)

39.0625b (6.42)

26.8015c (13.45)


  1. Values are given as mean (SD), *Significant at p ≤ 0.05 compared to the other study group, #significant at p ≤ 0.05 compared to base line (ANOVA) test, followed by Tukey’s post hoc: within the same comparison, means sharing the same superscript letter are not significantly different