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Table 1 The population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, and study—the key components of the research questions

From: Efficiency of occlusal splint therapy on orofacial muscle pain reduction: a systematic review

“P” population

Adult patients diagnosed with masticatory muscle pain based on DC/TMD, RDC/TMD, or any other protocol providing clear signs and symptoms of myalgia and/or myofascial pain diagnosis

“I” intervention

Different types of intraoral appliances used in the management of masticatory muscle pain

“C” comparator

No treatment understood as education including information about nature of TMD, behavioural change and self-care, guidance, counseling, assurance, self-exercise and self-massage, conservative therapy including LED therapy, acupuncture, low-level laser therapy, device-supported sensorimotor training, Kinesio taping, myofunctional therapy, and physiotherapy

“O” outcomes

Primary outcome of interest: the effect of intraoral appliances on the severity of masticatory muscle pain

Secondary outcome of interest: determine what type of cotherapy used with a splint or as an isolated form of therapy will have the highest impact on reducing pain in patients with muscle pain

“T” time

Follow-up periods for the outcome data, minimum 3 months

“S” study design

RCTs comparing therapy with different types of splints with each other or comparing splint therapy with no treatment or other treatment methods

  1. DC/TMD Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders, RDC/TMD Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders, RCT randomized controlled trial, LED—light emitting diode, TMD temporomandibular disorders