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Table 1 Sociodemographic and oral health practices of children and mothers included in the study

From: Clustering of children’s oral diseases in families and villages in a rural setting in Egypt


Children with siblings

N = 348

All children

N = 450

 N (%)

N (%)

Child level factors


Mean (SD)

10.0 (2.9)

9.9 (3.0)


Male: n (%)

151 (43.4)

198 (44.0)

Female: n (%)

197 (56.6)

252 (56.0)

Child brushing twice daily

Yes: n (%)

63 (18.1)

81 (18.0)

No: n (%)

285 (81.9)

369 (82.0)

Child sugar consumption daily score

Mean (SD)

3.3 (1.8)

3.4 (1.8)

Family and mother level factors

Number of siblings in family

Mean (SD)

2.5 (0.8)

2.4 (1.0)

Mother with secondary education or higher

Yes: n (%)

43 (12.4)

56 (12.4)

No: n (%)

305 (87.7)

394 (87.6)

Mother brushing twice daily

Yes: n (%)

53 (15.2)

66 (14.7)

No: n (%)

295 (84.8)

384 (85.4)

Mother sugar consumption daily score

Mean (SD)

1.4 (1.0)

1.4 (1.1)

Children oral health status

Number of teeth with caries experience in child: dmf/ DMF

Mean (SD)

3.5 (3.1)

3.6 (3.1)

Child plaque index

Mean (SD)

1.5 (0.6)

1.5 (0.6)

Child gingival index

Mean (SD)

1.2 (0.4)

1.2 (0.4)