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Table 2 League table comparing the changes in PD reduction (mm) between different surgical treatments. The surgical methods were ranked according to the SUCRA value. Numbers outside of brackets indicate mean difference (MD), and numbers inside of brackets are 95% confidence intervals. If MDs is more than 0, column treatment is better. Bold indicates significant results

From: Efficacy of surgical methods for peri-implantitis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

AT + O





1.13 (-0.01, 2.27)



0.27 (-1.35, 1.89)





0.86 (-0.29, 2.01)



0.45 (-1.46, 2.36)

0.18 (-1.74, 2.10)



0.70 (-0.49, 1.89)



1.15 (-0.29, 2.59)

0.47 (-1.37, 2.31)

0.20 (-1.65, 2.05)

0.02 (-1.95, 1.99)





1.13 (-0.21, 2.47)

1.15 (-1.11, 3.40)

0.88 (-1.38, 3.14)

0.70 (-0.49, 1.89)

0.68 (-1.63, 2.99)





1.13 (-0.01, 2.27)

0.86 (-0.29, 2.01)

0.68 (-0.86, 2.22)

0.66 (-0.78, 2.10)

-0.02 (-1.97, 1.93)



0.47 (-0.06, 1.00)

1.15 (-0.32, 2.61)

0.88 (-0.60, 2.36)

0.70 (-0.93, 2.33)

0.68 (-0.86, 2.22)

-0.00 (-2.02, 2.02)

0.02 (-0.90, 0.94)


0.45 (-0.31, 1.21)

1.60 (0.35, 2.85)

1.33 (0.06, 2.60)

1.15 (-0.29, 2.59)

1.13 (-0.21, 2.47)

0.45 (-1.42, 2.32)

0.47 (-0.06, 1.00)

0.45 (-0.31, 1.21)