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Table 3 Background demographics

From: Changes in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD in an RCT-study of dentist-administered treatment of dental anxiety


D-CBT (n = 48)

FHM (n = 48)


 Age, mean (SD)

38 (13)

39 (12)

 Sex, female, n (%)

33 (69%)

30 (63%)

 Years since treatment, mean (SD)

11 (10)

9 (9)

 MDAS, mean (SD)

21 (3)

21 (3)

 IDAF-4C, mean (SD)

4,2 (0,5)

4,1 (0,7)

 Traumatic incidence, n (%)

26 (54%)

28 (58%)

  1. The table shows background measures in the intervention group and the control group by means or percentages. The means of measures taken by the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) and Index of Dental Anxiety and Fear, the anxiety and fear module (IDAF-4C), before treatment for each treatment group are found in this table. Years since treatment is the number of years since the patient last received regular (not acute) dental treatment. The number of patients that are female are reported as well as the number of patients that state that they have experienced a traumatic incidence. Standard deviations entre parenthesis for means, percentages entre parenthesis for binominal data. D-CBT: dentist-administered cognitive behavioural therapy. FHM: The Four Habits Model/Midazolam