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Table 4 Comparison of responses on the questionnaire assessing xerostomia between the two groups with low and high levels of Candida

From: Presence of Candida and its associated factors in participants attending oral cancer screening in the lower northeastern area of Thailand


Participants with low levels of Candida (n = 411)

Participants with high levels of Candida (n = 166)

p value

n (%)

n (%)

Do you feel that your mouth is dry?




283 (68.9)

110 (66.3)


128 (31.1)

56 (33.7)

Do you need to sip liquids to aid in swallowing dry food?




315 (76.6)

118 (71.1)


96 (23.4)

48 (28.9)

Do you feel uncomfortable during the day because your mouth is dry?




345 (83.9)

136 (81.9)


66 (16.1)

30 (18.1)

Do you have difficulty speaking due to oral dryness?




360 (87.6)

139 (83.7)


51 (12.4)

27 (16.3)

Do you have problems in tasting food?




346 (84.2)

123 (74.1)


65 (15.8)

43 (25.9)

  1. *Bold values denote statistical significance at the p < 0.05 level