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Table 2 Mean and Standard Deviations of Sa parameter surface roughness before and after immersion of investigated rotary endodontic instruments (nm)

From: Impact of endodontic irrigants on surface roughness of various nickel-titanium rotary endodontic instruments

Rotary endodontic instruments

Surface roughness Sa values (nm)

P value

Before immersion

After immersion


58.5b ± 7

74.9a ± 1.1

P = 0.04*


67.9c ± 5

81.1b ± 3.1

P = 0.001*


49.8a ± 7.1

68.0a ± 8

P = 0.0001*


66.6b ± 8.6

84.1c ± 2.4

P = 0.0001*


38.8a ± 1.3

83.1bc ± 1.8

P = 0.0001*

P value

P = 0.0001*

P ≤ 0.04*

  1. Means in same row have no letters as they are only two groups (before and after irrigation), while means in same column with different letters indicate significance difference. *Corresponds to significant difference (P ≤ 0.05)