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Table 3 Means and standard deviation of the average depth of dentin loss by immersion

From: Effects of a commercial whitening toothpaste containing hydrogen peroxide and citric acid on dentin abrasion and erosion


Average depth of dentin (µm)

CAS1 (pH 2.0)

23.44 ± 3.29 a

CAPB (pH 5.0)

3.21 ± 0.91 b

WT (pH 5.0)

2.57 ± 0.65 b

HPS (pH 5.0)

0.38 ± 0.11 c

CAS2 (pH 5.0)

0.33 ± 0.13 c

CT (pH 7.8)

0.30 ± 0.05 c

SPDS (pH 9.1)

0.30 ± 0.07 c

RS (pH 6.9)

0.27 ± 0.07 c

DW (pH 6.7)

0.26 ± 0.06 c

  1. The average depth of dentin loss was described in descending order
  2. Different letters imply significant differences between groups (p < 0.05; n = 8)