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Table 1 Demographic characteristics and clinical periodontal parameters of the control (C), generalized periodontitis (P), CHD and clinically healthy periodontium (AS-C); and CHD with generalized periodontitis (AS-P) groups

From: MicroRNA‐155 (miR-155) as an accurate biomarker of periodontal status and coronary heart disease severity: a case–control study


Control (C) (n = 30)

Generalized Periodontitis (P) (n = 30)

CHD and clinically healthy periodontium (AS-C) (n = 30)

CHD with generalized periodontitis (AS-P) (n = 30)

Group p Value


54.0 (7.6)

54.8 (7.5)

58.1 (7.0)

57.8 (5.9)



21.35 (1.68)

21.18 (1.27)

21.17 (1.27)

21.42 (2.17)



 Male (n, %)

24 (80.0%)

24 (80.0%)

24 (80.0%)

23 (76.7%)


 Female (n, %)

6 (20.0%)

6 (20.0%)

6 (20.0%)

7 (23.3%)



12.83 (2.87)

59.50 (3.66)

19.17 (2.63)

60.80 (3.50)

 < 0.001

BOP (%)

9.03 (2.54)

70.30 (4.98)

8.93 (2.42)

69.27 (3.71)

 < 0.001

PPD (mm)

0.00 (0.00)

4.88 (1.60)

0.00 (0.00)

7.23 (1.74)

 < 0.001

CAL (mm)

0.00 (0.00)

6.56 (1.60)

0.00 (0.00)

8.00 (1.50)

 < 0.001

  1. Data expressed as the mean ± SD (in brackets). BMI Body mass index, PLI Plaque index, BOP Bleeding on probing, PPD Probing pocket depth, CAL Clinical attachment level. One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test, except gender comparisons performed by Chi Square test. Statistically significant differences between the study groups considered at p < 0.05