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Table 2 Search strategy in PubMed

From: Virtual reality and behaviour management in paediatric dentistry: a systematic review




“VR"[All Fields] OR "virtual reality"[All Fields] OR "augmented reality"[All Fields] OR "AR"[All Fields] OR "mixed reality"[All Fields] OR "Audiovisual distraction"[All Fields] OR "audiovisual"[All Fields] OR "Audiovisual Aids"[All Fields] OR "headset*"[All Fields] OR "vr headset*"[All Fields] OR "virtual reality headset"[All Fields] OR "AR headset"[All Fields] OR "augmented reality headset"[All Fields] OR "Artificial intelligence"[All Fields] OR "VR goggles"[All Fields] OR "virtual reality goggles"[All Fields] OR "AR goggles"[All Fields] OR "augmented reality goggles"[All Fields] OR "Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy"[All Fields] OR "VR Exposure Therapy"[All Fields] OR "Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy"[All Fields] OR "Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy"[MeSH Terms] OR "Audiovisual Aids"[MeSH Terms] OR "augmented reality"[MeSH Terms]


"child, preschool"[MeSH Terms] OR "preschool child"[All Fields] OR "paediatric population"[All Fields] OR "paediatric patient*"[All Fields] OR "child"[MeSH Terms] OR "child*"[All Fields] OR "adolescent"[MeSH Terms] OR "adolescen*"[All Fields] OR "pre schooler*"[All Fields] OR "youth"[All Fields] OR "teenager*"[All Fields] OR "teen*"[All Fields] OR "preteen*"[All Fields] OR "pre teen*"[All Fields] OR "pediatrics"[MeSH Terms] OR "paediatric*"[All Fields] OR “Autistic Disorder”[MeSH Terms] OR “Autism”[All Fields] OR “Down Syndrome”[MeSH Terms] OR “Down Syndrome”[All Fields]


"Pain"[All Fields] OR "Pain Management"[All Fields] OR "dental pain"[All Fields] OR "Pain Perception"[All Fields] OR "Anxiety"[All Fields] OR "Dental anxiety"[All Fields] OR "anticipatory anxiety"[All Fields] OR "fear"[All Fields] OR "stress"[All Fields] OR "Dental anxiety"[MeSH Terms] OR "Pain Management"[MeSH Terms] OR "Pain"[MeSH Terms] OR "Pain Perception"[MeSH Terms]


"dental care"[All Fields] OR "dental procedure*"[All Fields] OR "dental operation*"[All Fields] OR "dental appointment*"[All Fields] OR "dental treatment*"[All Fields] OR “dent*”[All Fields] OR “dental hospital*”[All Fields] OR “dentistry”[MeSH Terms] OR "dental care"[MeSH Terms]


#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4