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Table 7 Dentist’s management of Sjögren’s syndrome after being informed by the patient. The number of patients who answered "Yes" to the question "Before I was diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome, I told my dentist about my dry mouth sensation" and who had primary or associated Sjögren's syndrome was 270. The table focuses on this population

From: The experience of dry mouth and screening for Sjogren’s syndrome by the dentist: patient-reported experiences

N = 270


My dentist has investigated possible causes of dry mouth

45 (16.7%)

My dentist looked for possible manifestations of Sjögren syndrome

19 (7.04%)

My dentist mentioned Sjögren syndrome

36 (16.4%)

My dentist referred me to a doctor or other healthcare professional

68 (25.19%)

  1. The number of patients who answered “Yes” to the question “Before I was diagnosed with Sjögren’s syndrome, I told my dentist about my dry mouth sensation” and who had primary or associated Sjögren’s syndrome was 270. The table focuses on this population