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Fig. 2 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 2

From: Correlation between the presence of tonsilloliths and the bone defects by periodontitis on imaging analysis: a pilot study

Fig. 2

Methods for assessing periodontal bone defects caused by periodontitis on panoramic radiographs. A cropped panoramic tomograph is shown. The alveolar bone defect caused by periodontitis is assessed on a panoramic radiograph by measuring the distance between the cement-enamel junction and the alveolar crest (arrows) and between the cement-enamel junction and the root apex (red arrows) at mesial and distal sites on each tooth. The alveolar bone defect caused by periodontitis of each subject is calculated as the average of the cement-enamel junction-alveolar crest/cement-enamel junction-apex of all teeth

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