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Table 2 Descriptive statistics for SMA and Congo red staining in the different groups

From: The effects of ketogenic and chitosan-based diets on submandibular salivary gland in rat model: a comparative histological study


Mean ± SD


Congo red

I Control group

56.13 ± 3.96A

16.87 ± 2.19A

II Ketogenic diet group

91.41 ± 3.30B

68.10 ± 5.04B

III Chitosan group

60.70 ± 3.55A

19.50 ± 1.78A

ANOVA (F ratio, P value)

(141.0, < 0.001)

(374.1, < 0.0001)

  1. ANOVA test; different superscript alphabet (A, B) in the same column indicates statistical significance (Tukey’s HSD Post hoc test); results were considered significant when P < 0.05