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Table 3 Model measurements

From: Cephalometric and digital model analysis of dentoskeletal effects of infrazygomatic miniscrew vs. Essix- anchored Carriere Motion appliance for distalization of maxillary buccal segment: a randomized clinical trial

Model angular measurements: (Fig. 3B)

 MV- RU3

The angle between MV (A vertical reference line drawn through the median palatine suture from the incisive papilla) and the right canine cusp tip.

 MV- LU3

The angle between MV and the left canine cusp tip.

 MV- U3

Mean of MV-R3 and MV- L3


The angle between MV and mb-dp line of the right first molar.


The angle between MV and mb-dp line of the left first molar.


Mean of MV-R6 and MV-L6

Model linear measurements: (Fig. 3C)

 MH- RU3

The perpendicular distance between upper right canine cusp tip and MH line (the horizontal reference line passing through the left third rugae and perpendicular to MV)

 MH- LU3

The perpendicular distance between upper left canine cusp tip and MH line

 MH- U3

Mean of MH-RU3 and MH- LU3

 MH- RU6

The perpendicular distance between CMR and MH line


The perpendicular distance between CML and MH line


Mean of MH- RU6 and MH- LU6

Arch width: (Fig. 3D)

 Inter-canine width (ICW)

distance between cc points of both right and left canines.

 Inter-molar width (IMW)

distance between CMR and CML points.

 Overjet (mm): Fig. 3E

measured from the labial surface of lower incisors to the incisal edge of upper incisors.

 Overbite (mm): Fig. 3F

The amount of vertical ovelap of lower incisors.