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Table 2 Database search protocol representation for this review

From: Impact of clear aligner therapy on masticatory musculature and stomatognathic system: a systematic review conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and the Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions


Search String


(“Aligner orthodontic treatment” OR “Clear aligner treatment” OR “Invisalign”) AND

(“Masticatory anomalies” OR “Masticatory disorders” OR “Temporomandibular disorders” OR “TMD”) AND

(“Systematic review” OR “Meta-analysis” OR “Review” OR “Clinical study” OR “Observational study” OR “Cohort study” OR “Case-control study” OR “Cross-sectional study” OR “Longitudinal study”)


(‘orthodontics’ OR ‘orthodontic appliances’ OR ‘dental braces’ OR ‘aligners’ OR ‘clear aligners’ OR ‘exp orthodontic appliances/‘ OR ‘exp orthodontic aligners/‘) AND (‘temporomandibular joint disorders’ OR ‘temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome’ OR ‘exp Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/‘ OR ‘exp Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome/‘)

Web of Science

TS=(“Aligner orthodontic treatment” OR “Clear aligner treatment” OR “Invisalign”) AND

TS=(“Masticatory anomalies” OR “Masticatory disorders” OR “Temporomandibular disorders” OR “TMD”) AND

TS=(“Systematic review” OR “Meta-analysis” OR “Review” OR “Clinical study” OR “Observational study” OR “Cohort study” OR “Case-control study” OR “Cross-sectional study” OR “Longitudinal study”)


TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Aligner orthodontic treatment” OR “Clear aligner treatment” OR “Invisalign”) AND

TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Masticatory anomalies” OR “Masticatory disorders” OR “Temporomandibular disorders” OR “TMD”) AND

TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Systematic review” OR “Meta-analysis” OR “Review” OR “Clinical study” OR “Observational study” OR “Cohort study” OR “Case-control study” OR “Cross-sectional study” OR “Longitudinal study”)

Cochrane Library

(‘orthodontics’ OR ‘orthodontic appliances’ OR ‘dental braces’ OR ‘aligners’ OR ‘clear aligners’ OR ‘MeSH descriptor: [Orthodontic Appliances]’ OR ‘MeSH descriptor: [Orthodontic Aligners]’) AND (‘temporomandibular joint disorders’ OR ‘temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome’ OR ‘MeSH descriptor: [Temporomandibular Joint Disorders]’ OR ‘MeSH descriptor: [Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome]’)


((“Aligner orthodontic treatment” OR “Clear aligner treatment” OR “Invisalign”) AND

(“Masticatory anomalies” OR “Masticatory disorders” OR “Temporomandibular disorders” OR “TMD”) AND

(“Systematic review” OR “Meta-analysis” OR “Review” OR “Clinical study” OR “Observational study” OR “Cohort study” OR “Case-control study” OR “Cross-sectional study” OR “Longitudinal study”)


(“Aligner orthodontic treatment” OR “Clear aligner treatment” OR “Invisalign”) AND

(“Masticatory anomalies” OR “Masticatory disorders” OR “Temporomandibular disorders” OR “TMD”) AND

(“Systematic review” OR “Meta-analysis” OR “Review” OR “Clinical study” OR “Observational study” OR “Cohort study” OR “Case-control study” OR “Cross-sectional study” OR “Longitudinal study”)

Google Scholar

“Aligner orthodontic treatment” OR “Clear aligner treatment” OR “Invisalign” AND

“Masticatory anomalies” OR “Masticatory disorders” OR “Temporomandibular disorders” OR “TMD” AND

“Systematic review” OR “Meta-analysis” OR “Review” OR “Clinical study” OR “Observational study” OR “Cohort study” OR “Case-control study” OR “Cross-sectional study” OR “Longitudinal study”