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Figure 1 | BMC Oral Health

Figure 1

From: Inflammatory cytokines mediating the effect of oral lichen planus on oral cavity cancer risk: a univariable and multivariable mendelian randomization study

Figure 1

Overview of MR and its assumptions.

Notes: There are three key assumptions for the MR study. Assumption 1: the genetic variants (GVs) selected as instrumental variables (IVs) should be robustly associated with the exposure; Assumption 2: the used IVs should not be associated with any potential confounder; Assumption 3: the GVs should influence the outcome risk merely through the exposures, not via any alternative pathway. Abbreviations: GVs = genetic variants; IV = instrumental variable; IVW = inverse variance weighted; MR = Mendelian randomization; MVMR = multivariable Mendelian randomization; SNP = single-nucleotide polymorphism; UVMR = univariable Mendelian randomization; WM = weighted median.

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