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Fig. 4 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 4

From: Comparative analysis of microbial composition and functional characteristics in dental plaque and saliva of oral cancer patients

Fig. 4

Correlation analysis between differential genes and species. (A) Bubble plot (left): composition of the abundance of the top 14 differential genes among different groups. Rows represent differential genes, and each column represents a different sample. Sankey diagram (right): proteins associated with the top 14 differential genes and their corresponding functional pathways. (B) Correlation analysis between the top 5 differential genes and the top 5 species at the phylum level based on relative abundance. (C) Correlation analysis between the top 14 differential genes and the top 26 differentially abundant species. The size of the circular dots is used to indicate the magnitude of the correlation coefficient, while the color represents the sign of the correlation coefficient. A separate square color block is added to indicate the p-value of the correlation test

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